We working to provide the best updates. So, please wait for further progress and updates.
Update DELTA WA v6.6.1 : 22 Nov 2024- Add Emoji Changer
- Fix Call Contact Blocker
- Fix Status Ring
- Fixed a bug that did not allow to enter the app without internet on some devices.
- Fixed false notification about backup information.
- More fixes and improvements.
Update DELTA WA v6.6.0 : 15 Nov 2024
- Update Base v2.24.21.79
- Mention a Contact in Statuses
- Security improvements.
- Fixed a bug that did not allow to enter the app without internet on some devices.
- Fixed false notification about backup information.
- More fixes and improvements.
- Using DELTA WA can violate the terms and conditions of WA usage, which can result in your WA account being blocked.
- Additionally, because DELTA WA is not an official app, the security of your data is likely to be more vulnerable.
- Therefore, the use of DELTA WA must be done with caution and the risks of using it should be carefully considered.

Login Device with Activator
- * Install ACTIVATOR_v2.24.19.616_gw
- * Register and Verification with Number
- * After that Install [COM.UNV]DELTA_v6.6.0.apk
Linked Device
- Open Psiphon App
- There is option icon click on this option
- Select server region and click on it and choose Bulgaria option
- And near to "select server region" there is VPN setting and select official WA
- First WA is official WA and second WA is WaMod. So choose first WA only.
DELTA | com.delta | Get Now | Get Now |
ULTRA | com.ultra | Get Now | Get Now |
DELIGHT | com.delight | Get Now | Get Now |
FMWhatsApp | com.fmwhatsapp | Get Now | Get Now |
GBWhatsApp | com.gbwhatsapp | Get Now | Get Now |
YoWhatsApp | com.yowhatsapp | Get Now | Get Now |
com.whatsapp | Get Now | Get Now |
Kenapa link update yg dibagikan 6.6.1 ?
pesan masuk hanya terlihat centang 1 ketika sudah di tanggapi/balas baru terlihat centang biru
dulu pengaturan ini sebenarnya sudah ada tapi sekarang di hilangkan lagi. kenapa harus di hapus min??
tombol fitur nya ketutupan bang , jadi kalo mau pake , ubah dulu tampilan bagian home wa nya ke tampilan yg ga begitu rame nanti muncul tombol fitur nya
di saya begitu , ada fitur ya tapi gada tombol nya pas sy ubah tampilan home jadi muncul tombol nya
Wa saya ada 2.
cara pasang aplikasi wa deltalabs untuk 2 wa dalam 1 hp bagaimna
Link aktivatornx: https://www.mediafire.com/file/ohrpalk8spnj5df/Activator+New.apk/file
Setelah itu, download replacernx, trus install dan timpa WA gbnx, selesai dah...
Pertama download aktivatornx dlu
Stelah di download aktivatornx aktikan WAnx, jika aktivatornx mengalami kadaluarsa ganti tanggal HPnx dlu ke tanggal habis kadaluarsa trus aktifkan nomor WAnx
Klu sdh d aktifkan WA gbnx install replacernx dan kembalikan tanggalnx ke semula dan kedua download replacernx link d bawah ini, klu blm paham DM aja bang...
Link replacernx
Wallpaper transparent
Send media directly from another status user
Please kindly take a look at the ACTIVATOR of the com.sathwbg.easymessager
It's obsolete, expired since 27 September 2024.
So that, we can't get it to login.
Please update the ACTIVATOR with the newer version.
Harus buka wa baru pada masuk chat nya
linknya ada di bawah